Cloudmesh Pi Burn

Cloudmesh Pi Burn

cm-burn is a program to burn many SD cards for the preparation of building clusters with Raspberry Pi’s. The program is developed in Python and is portable on Linux, Windows, and OSX. It allows users to create readily bootable SD cards that have the network configured, contain a public ssh key from your machine that you used to configure the cards. The unique feature is that you can burn multiple cards in a row.

A sample command invocation looks like:

cm-burn —-name  red[5-7] \
        --key ~/.ssh/ \
        —-ips 192.168.1.[5-7] \
        —-image 2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch

This command creates 3 SD cards where the hostnames red5, red6, red 7 with the network addresses,, and The public key is added to the authorized_keys file of the pi user. The password login is automatically disabled and only the ssh key authentication is enabled.


  1. Project Web Page:
Gregor von Laszewski
Intelligent Systems Engineering Department